Medical Recipes
English, fifteenth or sixteenth century. Written on paper

This compilation of medical recipes, which includes a list of useful herbs and numerous traditional remedies, is a medieval guide to family health. It was probably written by two Cheshire men, almost certainly as a permanent record of years of collected treatments and cures. The entry near the top of the page, a remedy for incontinence, has been transcribed below; note the faint marginal drawing which illustrates the condition described.
For hym that holdeth not his pyssing
Take gose clauwes and brenne hem al to pouder in a newe potte and ete that pouder ych day fasty(n)g in thy potage and withoute fayle it will helpe you if ye wil use it. Anothir Take the clauwes of swynes fete and breen hem to pouder and do it in his potage.