Peterloo Witness : I am Sam Bamford!
  • Friday 12 August 2022, 7:30pm
  • Baronial Hall
  • £11
Book tickets
Image Peterloo Witness : I am Sam Bamford!

This wonderful performance by Neil Bell and Jennifer Reid will take you back to the time of Peterloo and the struggle for votes and bread, through the life and works of English radical reformer and poet, Samuel Bamford, who narrowly escaped the noose for treason.

Neil Bell (Sam Bamford, in Mike Leigh’s Peterloo feature film) will be reading passages from Bamford’s two acclaimed works Early Days and Passages in the Life of a Radical and selections from his poetry. These readings will be interspersed with contemporary popular songs performed by Jennifer Reid, Lancashire’s Broadside Balladress.

Peterloo Witness : I am Sam Bamford!
  • Friday 12 August 2022, 7:30pm
  • Baronial Hall
  • £11
Book tickets

This wonderful performance by Neil Bell and Jennifer Reid will take you back to the time of Peterloo and the struggle for votes and bread, through the life and works of English radical reformer and poet, Samuel Bamford, who narrowly escaped the noose for treason.

Neil Bell (Sam Bamford, in Mike Leigh’s Peterloo feature film) will be reading passages from Bamford’s two acclaimed works Early Days and Passages in the Life of a Radical and selections from his poetry. These readings will be interspersed with contemporary popular songs performed by Jennifer Reid, Lancashire’s Broadside Balladress.