Chetham’s is proud to have developed strong links with Bolton University’s MA Photography course, led by a good friend of the Library, Ian Beesley. For the last couple of years, the students have spent part of their studies at Chetham’s, looking at early book illustration and the use of narrative. As part of their final presentation, the students are required to produce a photobook of their work, and the best is chosen by the Library to receive a special award. The judging process is currently underway, and in no particular order this year’s shortlist is displayed below. The award will be presented at the launch of Voices, the exhibition of students’ work to be shown at the People’s History Museum from January 15th.
Exactly: A Week in the Life of 90 Minutes by Stephen Bingham
Yan, Tyan, Tethera: Life on a Cumbrian Hill Farm by Neal Andrews
Production by Sandra Snoddy
Dad Matters by Richard Gaskill and Salford Young Fathers Project
The Colour Purple: Caring for the Elderly in a Multicultural UK by Sangita Mistry